Gotta Love the Sun!

Don’t hate me because my job involves sun bathing no worries, the girls have the phones under control! #thelifeofremi #dwmfamily #hellospring #DWM #springroofing #FreeEstimate #CarrollsBest #asphaltshingles #thankyou #tuesdayroofing #nextdoor

Glenwood Roofing

DWM Roofing is a local contractor with a reputation for the highest degree of professionalism, quality workmanship and customer service available. This reputation has allowed us to serve extensively throughout Howard County, MD for more than 17 years. This roof replacement can be found in Glenwood, in the 21738 zip code. This customer chose CertainTeed […]

Fewer Shingle Colors

We’re still experiencing fewer than normal shingle colors that are available to you. Looks like this is going to continue for the foreseeable future, per CertainTeed. Be sure your estimator leaves you with the current list of available colors during your visit. Although the list is smaller, we’re certain you’ll find something you like! Always […]

Feels like Spring 🌷

What a nice morning for roofing! Gives us a glimpse of what’s coming…and we can’t wait! Congratulations to our Mt. Airy, 21771 and Glenwood, 21736 customers on their beautiful new roofs today! We appreciate the business!

No pressure? Yes!

DWM Roofing has a long established reputation for providing a professional, no pressure, customer oriented roofing experience. We serve all zip codes in Howard and Carroll counties, and several in Frederick, Baltimore and Montgomery. Scheduling can be done simply by calling the office at 410-795-7600. Talk with you soon!

In Like A Lamb

Hard to believe it’s March!! But thankfully it’s come in like a lamb! The entire week looks great for roofing. We have a lot on the schedule so we’re grateful. If you’re ready for that new roof, reach out at 410-795-7600. We’re here every day 8:30AM to 4:00pm.

Getting It Done!

Glad to get some work done while riding the roller coaster that is MD weather!! Thank you Howard and Carroll counties for hanging in there. We’ll see you bright and early Monday morning! #dwm #fbroofers #CarrollsBest #howardcountymd #hocoroofing #ccroofing #CertainTeedRoofing #asphaltshingles #tgif #gottaloveMD  

More Weather, No Worries!

Looks like some more weather is heading in tonight. But no worries for those jobs we started today. Mt. Airy, 21771 and Columbia, 21044, we’ll get those beautiful new roofs on and water tight! You got those roofs just in time! Congratulations!

Thanks Howard County!

It’s a new week, and we’re getting it done in Howard County today! You can find us in 21797, Woodbine, 21044, Columbia and 21029, Clarksville. Feel free to stop by and say HI! and grab a card. We give free estimates every day of the week!

Nextdoor Favorite!

We are so happy to announce we’ve again been recognized as a Neighborhood Favorite on the  Nextdoor app! This means so much as  the referrals come from satisfied customers, which we love! Thanks for all the referrals friends!